Universal Converter

universal converter convertor convert language visual international transliteration reversible language transliterated encoding technology tet vit vital network vitaly blokhin keyboard translator translate online script qwerty azerty qwertz dvorak input method remapper latin script writing typing ascii iso unicode diacritic accent editor javascript
Copyright © 1992-2022 Vitaly Blokhin
This page is a part of Vital Network: www.vitn.com
Page: Universal Converter: www.uconv.com
  2022-09-26 20:05 UTC

UConv may mean
 Universal Converter,
 Ultimate Converter,
 Unique Converter,
 Universal Converter on Vital Network, or just
 "U" Convert

Currently, the following useful specialized converters (online editors), reference materials, and demos are available:

 glb Generic Latin Based; online demo for Latin / Roman script-alphabet based writing systems (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and others)
 ru Russian |russkij| + English; online demo for a Cyrillic script-alphabet based writing system
 uk Ukrainian |ukrajinsqka| + English; online demo for a Cyrillic script-alphabet based writing system
 be Belarussian |belaruski| + English; online demo for a Cyrillic script-alphabet based writing system
 kk Kazakh |khazakh| + English; online demo for a Cyrillic script-alphabet based writing system
 he Hebrew |ahbryt| + English; online demo for a Hebrew script-alphabet based bi-directional writing system
 el Greek |'Ellhnas|; online demo for a Greek script-alphabet based writing system
 ro Romanian |rom^an*a|; online demo for a Latin / Roman script-alphabet based writing system
 ka Georgian |kharthuli|; online demo for a Georgian script-alphabet based writing system
 sa Sanskrit |samhskryt|; online demo for a Devangari script-alphabet based writing system
 ar Arabic |alyrbiah| + English; online demo for an Arabic script-alphabet based bi-directional writing system
 fa Persian |farsi| + English; online demo for an Arabic script-alphabet based bi-directional writing system
 krem Keyboard Remapper online; remaps keyboard, i.e. QWERTY to DVORAK
 ascii ASCII / ISO-646 / Unicode C0 Controls and Basic Latin reference table
 char Characters and diacritics used in different languages
 keyb Keyboard layouts for different languages
 translit Transliteration examples for different scripts, languages, and writing systems
 vitsrch Search demo using VIT/TET input embedded into the page and several search engines
 vitrusts Reversible Russian Transliteration Test to determine the mimimum to learn for VIT/TET encoding using Russian as example

You are invited to try preliminary online releases that are especially useful for people who do not have full support of necessary languages or keyboards on computers they use to read and write mixed language texts, for people who exchange this type of texts with other people by email or other computerized means and those who can type Latin / Roman (English, French, German, etc.) letters but cannot type using standard keyboard for their language or just do not have that type of keyboard available on the systems they use.
Each converter (online editor) works out of the Web as well as offline (application) if saved locally as a single HTML file.
It is planned to replace multiple specialized converters by one universal multilingual converter-editor in future.
Products and materials presented on this site employ methods and solutions offered by Visual International Transliteration that is based upon the Transliterated Encoding Technology (TET), the original technology that has been independently developed by its author Vitaly Blokhin over the years since 1992. You can use these copyrighted materials and products for evaluation purpose and personal needs only - at your own risk, without any guarantee, explicit or implied, as long as the author is recognized and credited. Any other use is prohibited.
For comments, suggestions and proposals please contact the author.

This and more is what U C on Vital Network :-)

This site is intended to be translated into many languages as soon as there are enough resourses to do this. Any kind of help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. For now only some pages of this site and their parts have been developed and are available in languages other than English. See links above.